It is to feed the flock (sheep). pastor means shepherd and a shepherd are responsible for either malnutrition in the life's of the sheep, is as a result of where the shepherd took them to. if it a very fertile ground, then you will see the sheep fresh and healthy but it is a place where there a little of grasses, then will be contention . and that is why most believers are contending and striving today because they are not so much fed.
see how to know that a sheep has really been fed by a shepherd or a believer by a pastor. God says in JER 23:4
and i will set up up shepherds over them which shall feed
them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed,
neither shall they be lacking, says the LORD.
meaning after feeding them
(i) they shall fear no more
(ii) nor be dismayed
(ii) they shall lack nothing
What is God saying here? for us to know what God is saying, we must understand the meaning of fear because God says..... fear no more.
fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. so God is saying when my shepherd begin to feed my flocks, then there will be no more unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. Do you know why? Because now they will feed on bread that a man will eat and never die.no one shall make them afraid (no one) john 6:50, Acts 6:4
Also God says nor will they be dismayed that is not only will they no more unpleasant emotions caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm, they will not be distressed or shocked. wow
you mean i can live this kind of life? YES when you have the God prescribed diet. and you have this DIET.
lastly God says when they feed on my prescribed diet richly, then they
shall lack nothing (i tim 6:17)
......... but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
so they will not lack any thing because now they will have all things, having the right diet and knowing the source of this diet give them dominion over the earth . And also the more they feed, the more they feel and live divinity, their diet increases God's life in their system and makes them connected to the source and anyone that has a source will never lack resources.
So they will not lack anything because they have the creator and not just having HIM, they also know HIM and not just knowing HIM, but knowing HIM as their Father, so having the creature is not a problem because you have been fed with the diet that tells you that you are a heir of God who is your father and as a heir of GOD, what is that you will still be lacking? NOTHING.
that's why God says at this point in time, he will make me a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when i turn back your captivity before your eyes says the LORD.
thank you and remain bless
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